South March Highlands Trail Work Days

We are still waiting for the snow to melt. Please stay tuned.

We are expecting to start trails days again this year in mid-to-late April, but that is highly dependent on the weather.

Over 1,700 volunteer hours were logged last year This was a record for us, and is all the more impressive considering we had the 4th wettest June-July-August ever recorded in Ottawa.

Our new signature beginner and adaptive-mtb-friendly trail “Coconut Tree” was finally opened end-to-end for riding, as was “Beluga”, a short but flowy intermediate/blue trail. A new bridge was installed on Outback after beaver activity flooded a section of trail, and a section of South Dogsled was re-routed to higher ground for the same reason.

Two new rock rolls were added to Dogsled South. A jump was reworked on Staycation. A rollable-drop was added to PWT near Inukshuk. A dry stone arch bridge was built on Bear Tree. Numerous mud puddles were drained and rock armoured. Downed trees were cleared. Overgrowth was trimmed. Leaves were blown.

All of this was accomplished by volunteers. Membership dollars help, but volunteers make the difference. Please consider volunteering for a trail day in 2025. If everyone that rode at South March Highlands volunteered just one day a year, we would have the world-class trail system we deserve.

Come join our team!