The Ottawa Mountain Biking Association hosts three weekly group rides. The Tuesday night ride in the South March Highlands trail network, located in Kanata, the Tuesday night ride at Larose Forest in Clarence-Rockland, Ontario and the Thursday night ride in the Camp Fortune trail network located in Gatineau Park, Quebéc.
The weekly rides are typically broken up into 3 or 4 groups based on a combination of ride duration, technical nature of the trails covered, and overall riding pace. The weekly group rides are just that, Group rides. The point is to ride in a social setting while still getting a feeling of satisfaction. When coming out to your first OMBA ride, speak with OMBA ride coordinator to determine what group you should be in. All of group rides are “no-drop” rides, that is, each group will have a “sweep rider” so that no one is left behind or lost.
In the event that OMBA Weekly Rides are cancelled (most often due to weather/or excessively wet trails), it shall be posted here no later than 5:30 pm. A cancellation announcement will be made in the Facebook Group post/event for the specific weekly ride.
Is this your first group ride? See our article on What to Expect on your first group ride
Rides depart promptly at 6:30 pm in South March and 6:30 pm at Camp Fortune, so if you need to figure out what group to ride in or sign a waiver, please show up at least 15 minutes early.
OMBA members are required to sign a Waiver Form only once for the season.
Non-OMBA members are required to sign a Waiver Form for EACH TIME they join an OMBA Ride (2 x maximum. After that please join).
Riders must be at least 16 years of age to participate in OMBA weekly group rides (Unless accompanied at all times by a responsible adult)
Also please note that we are currently following pandemic guidelines and all rides will be adjusted for size of outdoor gathering as required. Watch our Facebook group for ride events being posted a couple of days prior to the ride.
OMBA Group rides are guided rides, they are not instructional. If you are looking for instruction for either adults or children OMBA is pleased to recommend some of our sponsors:
Click here to download the OMBA waiver
For more details see the individual ride page:
What to expect on your first group ride
Getting there
Before leaving for the ride check the OMBA forum in the “Events” sub-forum to make sure the ride is still on. The SMH ride group meets at the trailhead at the intersection of Klondike and Old Second Line Road. If you are parking on the side of Old Second Line Road, be sure that your car is parallel to the road and facing the direction of travel. Bylaw officers have been by occasionally to ticket offenders. if you don’t mind a ride to the trailhead you can also park in the lot next to the Morgan Grant Pumping Station at the intersection of Klondike Road and Wimbledon Way. Wherever you park, make sure to be at the trailhead for the agreed time ready to roll.Waiting to get started: If you are not an OMBA member, and just trying a group ride, you will need to complete and sign a waiver before every ride. Becoming a member saves this repeated hassle (you only sign a waiver once per season) and your membership fee goes toward helping OMBA maintain the trails. If you are a regular on the group rides, you should purchase a membership. The big decision at this point is what group to ride with, D, C, B or A. Here’s a primer.
D Group
The gentlest introduction to riding the SMH trails, slower pace, lots of breaks and trails followed are some of the less difficult ones in the network (if you are a true beginner they will still be plenty challenging). D is usually a fairly large group, which is good because there is usually time for a bit of socializing during breaks. D group is also the most likely to expand in size as riders from other groups (mostly C) that are having an off week and find that they don’t have the legs to keep up with their regular group. This group rides in the inner trails, such as Beartree, Rockhopper, North and South Dogsled, Porcupine and Mario’s Line.
C Group
Probably the group with the widest range of abilities. C group can include riders from B or A, who need a break, to people who are just “graduating” from D. The pace ranges from a bit faster than D to a bit faster than expected. If you are reasonably fit, you can probably keep up with C, but some of the trails that the C group routinely rides might be a bit more technically challenging (i.e. more and harder features to try and ride over). This This group rides in the inner trails (Beartree, Rockhopper, North and South Dogsled, Porcupine and Mario’s Line) and also ventures onto IMBA, Bailout and PWT.
B Group
I’ve never been with B, but I hear its fast. Someone once described as “B for bypass”; I’ll take his word for it. If you ride with these guys you should be fit, fast and skilled. This group rides all the trails, including Outback.
A Group
B Group to the extreme. No trails are off limits, but if anything happens you get left for the wolves. To be honest there don’t seem to be many riders rolling with A. Some weeks it seems like there is no A group. If you are still reading this guide then you should probably work your way up to A. This group rides everything, maybe even twice!!
Don’t be intimidated by this description, No Drop means NO DROP, there will be a ride leader and a sweep or caboose rider who will always go last to make sure you are ok. No riders will be left behind on the trails.
So, thanks for sticking with this article to the end.
Come on out and ride with us, riding with others is always a good time. Equip yourself with a few basics, show up at the agreed time, and introduce yourself. Let the fun begin.
Written by Irving Frederick and Terry Field