MEC dirt search


OMBA was selected as one of 14 clubs across Canada who could win $10,000 for trailbuilding in the MEC Dirt Search Contest!  It is a popularity contest and the two club with the most votes in Eastern and Western Canada win!  Help OMBA become the winner in the Eastern Canada!!!

Vote daily at the following link:

With OMBA managing and maintaining trails in the South March Highlands, Camp Fortune and Almonte, these funds could be used to purchase dirt, rent power tools, purchase tools for volunteers and also purchase signage for Almonte as the trail network grows.  It could also be used to help support smaller local initiatives in Wakefield and Chelsea.

Our advocacy work continues with the NCC in Gatineau Park and this season there was a Pilot Trail network open to Fatbiking (snow biking). With this partnership getting established there will create more demands for volunteers and the purchase of tools for trail maintenance.

Our advocacy work also continues with the City of Ottawa for a bike park that includes a pump track, dirt jumps and a skills area. It would be great to use some of the funds for this if the project is approved this year!

OMBA also has plans for many events this year – including group rides twice a week (Tuesday at Camp Fortune, Thursday at South March Highlands), bike demo days and our infamous Decathlon in the fall.


There hasn’t been a lot of singletrack in Gatineau Park