Newsletter, January

President’s words

Hello, I am Mathieu Albert and since April 2022, I have been president of the Ottawa Mountain Bike Association (OMBA). I have been passionate about mountain biking since the early 90s and this sport has guided my life choices ever since. Starting out in cross-country (XC) racing in the 90s, then working in several bike shops as a technician and salesman, after studying in technical fields with the aim of building bikes, being a bike guide, welding frames for the defunct company Cycles Balfa, co-creating the company Dobermann Fab., and owning the Vélos des Ronds-Points bike shop in Gatineau and 30 years later, cycling is still part of my daily life.

In 2018, I asked myself how I could help grow the mountain biking community in my area. Teaching welding since 2013, I thought I could teach trail etiquette and give young mountain bike day camp participants their first experience in trail maintenance. With the collaboration of the National Capital Commission (NCC), Camp Kinéactif and OMBA volunteers, we succeeded in forming two groups of responsible future users of Gatineau Park.

Wanting to get more involved in the organization, I had the chance to replace the Vice-President at the time, Loïc Olivier. I took over these files from Gatineau Park, the translation of the website and the French side of social media.

In March 2020, several things changed our realities. Several OMBA projects have been put on hold. However, the year 2022 has seen the return of the association's regular activities and the start of new initiatives, including one close to my heart: the introduction to mountain biking to members of the community who are not normally exposed to our sport. I had the chance to organize and participate in two activities with two groups; friends of members of the OMBA, and the Support of Immigrant Women of the Outaouais (AFIO). Seeing the joy in their eyes when they chatted with each other on the way back from the rides really touched me. I must thank the volunteers and Les Nomades du Parc, who participated in these first two events.

In short, my goal is to create a strong, diverse and relatable mountain biking community. With greater accessibility to trails and a better variety of them, I am confident that together we can make it happen.

Looking forward to meeting you on the trails,

Mathieu Albert
President of OMBA

New Trail Networks

2022 was a year filled with new trails on the Quebec side with the addition of the Domaine Kanawe network in Cantley, and more recently the announcement of the future network at Vorlage mountain in Wakefield. These new trails will definitely add to the variety of riding experiences available for all riders.

On the Ontario side, the addition of the XC racing series at Westley Clover will certainly help guarantee us a succession of passionate cyclists.

Beauchamp Lake

Since the spring of 2022, the AVMO has been in talks with the City of Gatineau to formalize the mountain bike trails on the Lac Beauchamp land. A first route is planned by this new collaboration and the environmental studies are well underway. With the help of volunteers, we would like to open the first route for the summer of 2023.

Movie Night

As was the case last year, we will be hosting an OMBA fundraiser movie night. Money raised will go towards trail building and maintenance. Details will follow in early February.

Featured Volunteer

To start the year, we would like to acknowledge the important contributions of one of our volunteers and board member, Paul McCulloch. He has been the administrative pillar of OMBA for 7 years now and has been involved in various committees including those for demo days, volunteer recognition evenings, various chores, in the establishment of the Carlington bike park, responding to member emails and more.

In 2020, he became the president of our association and was able to guide our efforts during these atypical years. Until the next annual general meeting, he will be our “Past-president” and thereafter will retire from the Board of Directors.

Paul, you have marked our organization and we thank you for all the time and energy that you have so generously given us.

Looking forward to seeing you on the trails!
